North Dakota Fur Hunters
and Trappers Association
Preserving our Heritage - Securing our Future
NDFHTA Code of Ethics
As a hunter or trapper, I agree to conduct myself as a professional and accept the responsibilities essential to ensuring a future that includes hunting and trapping.
I am an invited guest of the landowner and will not hold them responsible for any of my accidents.
I will respect all property and report any acts of misuse to the proper authority.
I will support conservation efforts that work towards ensuring our future generations have hunting and trapping opportunities as we do today.
I will abide by the laws and regulations of proclaimed by the State of North Dakota and insist my companions do the same.
I will work with my peers on educational programs that serve to maintain hunting and trapping as legitimate and beneficial outdoor activities.
I will respect furbearers and consider animal welfare in my actions.
Membership Application:
To join NDFHTA, fill out our Membership Application and send it with payment to our Treasurer.